Friday, August 11, 2017

Book review: The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code by H.W. Charles

Book review: The Money Code: Become a Millionaire With the Ancient Jewish Code by H.W. Charles
Finished reading: 16 April 2017

"The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville" is an article by Warren Buffett promoting value investing, published in the Fall, 1984. The article highlights how it is more than just coincidence that a group of investors who invest using particular value philosophy have outperformed the market and a value investing approach can deliver higher than market returns over a long period of time.

However, following a value investing approach is easier said than done and requires a terrific amount of discipline and fortitude to keep adhering to the philosophy even in times when it is out of favour.

Having read the article I thought what are the traits of investors that are likely to lead to outperformance and the obvious one to me was race.  Through my readings on business and investment I continue the come across a large number of Jewish people who are extremely successful in building large amounts of wealth.  My gut feeling was that Jewish people are severely over-represented on a per capita basis in both income levels and absolute wealth, however I have not seen much publicized about this perhaps because the Jewish people have had a long history of being persecuted and would rather not raise attention to this observation.

When looking into the richest people in the world  I found an article that suggests more than 100 of the 400 billionaires on Forbes' list of the wealthiest people in America are Jews. Six of the 20 leading venture capital funds in the US belong to Jews, according to Forbes.

Since the mass immigration some 100 years ago, Jews have become richest religious group in American society. They make up only 2% of US population, but 25% of 400 wealthiest Americans.

Eleven of the 50 richest people in the world are Jewish, according to the 30th annual Forbes billionaires list released Tuesday. The list features five Jews in the top 15 and seven in the top 25 spots.

In 1957, 75% of US Jews were white-collar workers, compared to 35% of all white people in the US; in 1970, 87% of Jewish men worked in clerical jobs, compared to 42% of all white people, and the Jews earned 72% more than the general average.

These statistics make it clear that my gut feelings were correct the question from here is why the characteristics of Jewish people make them extremely wealthy and on average much more wealthy than the average person.

Again I would start with my hypothesis that the Jewish people were treated very poorly historically especially during World War 2 and had many assets repossessed.  Therefore when Jews were forced to relocate to new countries they only had one option to work extremely hard and focus on education to improve themselves.

In trying to answer this question and let me to the book the money code which attempts to explain why so many Jews are millionaires and extremely successful.

In this book, H. W. Charles laid out 7 practical money code (tips), each in their own chapter.

The first code is wisdom which basically professes that the more you learn and the more that you can apply practically those learnings the more fulfilled your life will be and as a byproduct of that the greater your wealth will become . Wisdom can be achieved through practicing humility reading books and from interacting with others

The second code is tradition and the Jews view wealth and success is a blessing and gift from god and not something that should be shied away from. What a man thinks of himself that really determined his fate and because the Jews think of wealth and prosperity as positive and something to strive for many achieve that status. There is a focus on working hard and then accumulating wealth and then making that money work hard for you through wise investments that yield passive income.

The third code is work. The takeaway from this chapter is that most Jews work for themselves and hire employees instead of being employees.  There is also a focus on perseverance and I believe that success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.  Whatever you do should be with complete focus with no interruptions as interruptions break our train of thought.  

The 4th code is investing highlighting a focus on building your wealth through making successful investments.

The 5th code is law and placing importance on honesty and business matters and don't try to get rich quickly. Wealth obtained by ill gotten means will be lost or as well again by hard work will be kept. It is also encouraged to take care complete day of rest on the Sabbath.

Code 6 is Tithe which is a practice where you should give away at least 10% of your earnings regularly.

Code 7 is charity and the Jews are very charitable with the population making up in the approximately 2% of the US American population, however they represent 30% of America's most generous donors. There are different levels of charity from the lowest to highest level the lowest being giving begrudgingly and the highest being in a beam the recipient to become self reliant

To sum it up it is earn as much as you can save as much as you can invest as much as you can give as much as you can. Money is a great treasure that can the only increases as you give it away.


The Jewish people have overachieved in a variety of industries & countries. They have some very sensible philosophies which like the value investors highlighted in Warren Buffett's Superinvestors of Graham and doddsville article lead to above average wealth accumulation. Furthermore, their philosophies extend wider to  seek ultimately a more fulfilled life which all races could learn from.


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